Fückin Grüvin!
Dear Garfunkel,
I promised to review this beautiful creation some time ago, but never found the time to do so... So now, with a delay of some weeks (sorry for that ;) I finaly present to you: THE REVIEW. Okay, a detailed observation... Here it goes:
- The movie starts very artsy, with the rythmic disappearance of the loading screen. Nice one, +1 thumb for that! As for the fact that music really touches me, I was thrilled to hear an old familiar tune! Childhood memories man... I remember how I was sitting hypnotised in front of the TV, drooling, while allowing the propeganda and indoctrination to acces and take over my little, immature brain... Oh, sorry, wandering of, back to reviewing. The cat's head, in the first scene, is without a doubt the most artistic thing you've ever drawn! It's so fucking stylish!! You're drawing skills have improved incredibly much over the years; from doodlish to comicesque (is that actualy a word?). The scene transitions are very original and flashy!
Hey! That was Tom (where did you leave Jerry?). Hahahahahaha! Man, this is hilarious! This is easily the best thing you've ever made (* changes the overall score from 9 to 10 * ). The whole movie is so wel directed (apart from the "red" thingy, that was a bit quickly made...), I was drooling like I did when I was young, combined with histerious manical laughter. Amazing!
The extra scene was fun. Where does that sound-bite come from again? Oh right, South Park (* Changes Style and humor from 9 to 10 *)
Good job man! Looking forward to see more of your work! Don't hassitate to show me any previews ;)
A big platonical hug and two and a half thumbs 30 cm up your ass,
Your Dutch Pall